Aangeboden: Istanbul Hair

With 12 years of existence and experience we offer a wide range of Turkish treatments In Europe we have 5 top locations with Istanbul as the main location Since January 2020 Istanbulhair is also located in the Netherlands With Turkish prices but in the Netherlands we are the cheapest hair transplant specialists in the Netherlands we will go for the maximum hair grafts for a fixed price Istanbulhair works with specialized doctors also known as BIG registered doctors We focus on you as a customer and find it important that you are satisfied with the result To ensure that the result is optimal you will receive the best aftercare from Istanbulhair immediately after the treatment

Kosten: Vraagprijs € 50,-

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Geplaatst op:26-06-2023 om 20:00u
Door:Arthur Jackson
Bekeken door: 663 bezoekers
Aantal vragen: Er zijn 0 vragen gesteld

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